Conference Program

A book of abstract and detailed presentations schedule will be made available shortly before the conference on this website.

Conference Schedule

Wednesday, 23-10-2023NVV Members Meeting17:00 ‑ 19:00
Dinner19:30 ‑ 21:00
Thursday, 24-11-2023Symposium Opening09:00 ‑ 09:15
Keynote: Nicolas Noiray
Controlling Hydrogen Flames’ Combustion Dynamics in Future Aeroengines
09:15 ‑ 10:00
Keynote: Vincent Moureau
Scale adaptive methods and acceleration techniques for LES of turbulent flames and interfaces
10:00 ‑ 10:45
Coffee Break10:45 ‑ 11:00
Poster Session11:00 ‑ 12:15
Lunch12:15 ‑ 13:00
Plenary: Industrial Combustion Problems
The session on industrial combustion problems wishes to promote the dialogue between industry and academia and targets the challenges faced in computational investigations. In the plenary part, short presentations with specific problem description and current approaches are given, followed by discussions with the audience.
In the second part, a dialogue between academia and industrial partners will focus on the common core and specific application requirements to flesh out a general framework.
13:00 ‑ 13:50
Break13:50 ‑ 14:00
Parallel Sessions
Oral presentations of the selected contributed papers will be taking place in two parallel sessions. In a third session, the discussion related to industrial combustion problems will continue in a workshop format.
14:00 ‑ 16:20
Break16:20 ‑ 16:30
Plenary Session
Results and recommendations of the industrial combustion workshop will be reported.
Then, the winner of the NVV Combustion Award 2024 will be announced. This award is given to the young expert with the best MSc thesis (obtained from a University in the Netherlands) in the field of combustion technology. Supervisors are invited to propose candidates for this prize by contacting the program officer (Ivan Langella) by email at before the end of August. The evaluation will be done by a jury composed by the board of NVV.
Finally, the three best posters presented at the symposium will receive an award from the Dutch Section of the Combustion Institute (DSCI). The evaluation will be done by a jury composed by the board of DSCI.
16:30 ‑ 17:00
Symposium Closing17:00

For a detailed programme please refer to the Book of Abstracts and Final Announcement:

Invited Speakers

  1. Controlling Hydrogen Flames’ Combustion Dynamics in Future Aeroengines
    by Nicolas Noiray
    Associate Professor, head of the Institute of Energy and Process Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zürich.

  2. Scale adaptive methods and acceleration techniques for LES of turbulent flames and interfaces
    by Vincent Moureau
    CNRS research fellow (CORIA UMR6614)

Conference Topics

Presentations generally related to combustion will take place, including topics related to:

  • Modelling
  • Experimental work
  • Industrial and domestic applications Power to gas/power to fuel
  • Fuel utilization
  • Bio-fuels
  • Flue gas cleaning
  • Carbon capture
  • Boilers
  • Heaters
  • Engines
  • Gas turbines